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Saturday, October 19, 2019
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Gratitude can rewire your brain for happiness and success. Research says that they've found considerable evidence that when people look at the blessings, the good things that they have in their life, it is a great way to reduce mental stress and depression. People tend to focus on the negative of what they have not got and what's not happening rather than what IS. You have a roof over your head and don't go hungry. You may have a lovely family. You may live a very interesting life even if it is challenging. As for depression, what are you going to get from anti-depressants drugs that are specifically designed to manipulate the chemistry of the brain? With all their horrendous side effects? Which include weigh gain, depression, suicidal thoughts? What if instead of taking a pill that comes with a list of side effects, which are not side effects but effects, something as simple as gratitude could be the answer. There is actually science to back up this claim. Dr Joshua Brown, Professor of Psychology and Brain Sciences of Indiana University and his colleague Dr Wong set out to answer one question: how can his patients derive the greatest possible benefit from treatment in the shortest amount of time? In time they came up with the answer that this would be gratitude sessions. People having gratitude are overall happier.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Keep protected from 5G
It's a spiritual warfare. Suffering of all forms, from degradation of the environment, the food, the frequencies, stalkers, voice to skull, having frequencies triangulated to your body wherever you go, parasites from chemtrails breathed in that have a specific program to run once inside a person causing them insomnia and itching at night... people are having all kinds of trouble. Drugs for instance, some strains of cannabis that have been genetically modified are laced with stuff designed to reprogram DNA. Genetically-modified food depletes your magnetic energy and transforms the DNA at the chromosomal and codon level. It confuses the protein and amino-acid making process so that by the time it gets into the ribosome where everything is copied to record the original pattern, it all gets scrambled up. This is why people are being born obese. It's also the cause of underweight in others and depression, schizophrenia etc. in others. These things put holes in your aura, your Merkaba, which is a torus field circling around you and you need it to be whole as in "Whole", not "Hole". It would be very wise to fortify and protect yourself with the armour of magnetism. Have some magnets around your wrist, and stones, of: SHUNGITE, HEMATITE, and BLACK TOURMALINE. "Chroma" (from chromosome) means colour-body and there are 12 colours, 12 segments of the DNA, 12 notes of the musical scale, 12 disciples, 12 hours day/night, 12 months etc. We have 12 systems in the body, 12 cranial nerves, and 12 tissue salts to magnetise the body. To protect yourself you need magnetic energy, not electrical. Magnetic energy you will get when you open your palms out towards the sun. In a male the energy is coming in through the right hand and rotating in your magnetic rotating torus field and issuing out of the left hand. In a female it comes in through your left hand, and exits the right hand. So there are no holes in it, do this daily. PALM is an anagram for LAMP. Palms = lamps. (It's where Akhenaten showing his palms to the sun came from and why the ancients used to greet the sun, Heil Sol Invictus, "heil" coming from the word "halo".) . The "ten" is the lamp (tungsten) (and we have ten fingers) Revelation 21: "The city does not need the sun....... and the Lamb is its lamp". "Lamb" has a "b" in it and is also an anagram for "balm" - healing. Healing balm from the god "Baal" - "balm" - is from the Lamb. The sun is the Lamb, and your
body is made up of LAMININ and amino acids.
This laminin is like the shape of a cross and your body is made up of all these crosses, the glue that holds your body together. Your whole body is about the LAMB, because photosynthesis in the body is through laminin, the glue of your body. If you look up astrological symbolism of Lamb of God you find it represents Aries the Ram, the lamb, when the sun is in Aries on 21st March it is the Right Ascension Meridian or RAM whereabouts so many festivals are celebrated around spring, at Easter or east star. Because you cannot conquer the risen saviour, the sun. Neither can the winter nor the nighttime. The sun's corona is the Crown of Thorns which is your crown chakra and is a corona when activated. "Heil" comes from "halo" and "halos" comes from salt. "Hallo" (German) and "hello" are greetings; "salutation" is a greeting, "saludos" is Spanish for "welcome" "salud" is Spanish for "health" and all those come from "sal" which is salt. Salvation, saliva, sal. We say someone is the "salt of the earth" and "worth his salt" and pay him a "salary" and homeopathic tissue salts are another way of charging your magnetic field. "Helios" comes from "sun". "Marhaba" is Arabic for "hello" and hides the anagram of "ram" (mar) and the word Merkaba (your inbuilt force field). Build your natural aura from the heart. Our magnetic fields around us are far more than most even know, thanks to the deception fooling most that they are lesser beings than they truly are. "Earth" is anagram of "heart". On the ground on the heels of your feet, on your "heels" you "heal" your "soul" through your palms a la Akhenaten. (Soles, sol, Spanish for sun; heal/helios from Sun.) Walking barefoot around the countryside or garden on soil, sand, grass (earthing) generates magnetic strength and starts the process for your nerves to get stronger and for your nervous system to restore itself because that's the Tree of Life in you. Once that is restored and your frequency is raised by a vegetarian diet (vegan is superior) the blood is cleansed.
Fabrics and paints used for blocking out EMFs also shield out earth's electromagnetic frequencies that sustain all life, so using them for EMF protection does not support the body's need for moment to moment reception of earth's electrical airwaves. You can use them on the walls facing the source of the radiation. There are devices you can buy from EarthCalm that offer a good solution. They work by: 1. Re-instating and amplifying the body’s natural grounding fully in the natural electromagnetic field, the Schumann resonance of the earth; 2. By providing a natural means of dissipating out EMFs from the body; 3. By harmonising EMF emissions with earth’s natural electromagnetic field; and 4. By amplifying earth’s natural frequencies within the areas served by the EarthCalm device. These products have been tested by the IIREc (Dr. Walter Medinger) and they are Dr. Gerald Hyland's recommendations to the European Parliament, presented in the document “The Physiological and Environmental Effects of Non-ionising Electromagnetic Radiation” (document 297.574). There are good products here also, that sell bed canpies to screen around your body while you are sleeping
Protecting your body
Fabrics and paints used for blocking out EMFs also shield out earth's electromagnetic frequencies that sustain all life, so using them for EMF protection does not support the body's need for moment to moment reception of earth's electrical airwaves. You can use them on the walls facing the source of the radiation. There are devices you can buy from EarthCalm that offer a good solution. They work by: 1. Re-instating and amplifying the body’s natural grounding fully in the natural electromagnetic field, the Schumann resonance of the earth; 2. By providing a natural means of dissipating out EMFs from the body; 3. By harmonising EMF emissions with earth’s natural electromagnetic field; and 4. By amplifying earth’s natural frequencies within the areas served by the EarthCalm device. These products have been tested by the IIREc (Dr. Walter Medinger) and they are Dr. Gerald Hyland's recommendations to the European Parliament, presented in the document “The Physiological and Environmental Effects of Non-ionising Electromagnetic Radiation” (document 297.574). There are good products here also, that sell bed canpies to screen around your body while you are sleeping
Protecting your body
- Refuse to use 5G phones and smart devices obviously. Discourage those you know from doing so.
- Never sleep with a phone in your bedroom and never next to your head. Even in aeroplane mode, it can emit signals. Put your phone in a Farday bag
- Don't have WiFi, have cabled internet
- Do not carry your phone in trouser pockets next to genitals. Avoid carrying your phone on your body.
- Do not hold your phone up to your ear while talking. Use a wired earpiece or put it on loudspeaker, and hold the phone at least 3 feet away.
- Radically decrease your time on the phone. Use VoIP software phones that you can use while connected to the internet via a wired connection
- Not everyone can do this, but you want to move to a city/town with lots of trees or move to a rural location
- Carry Shungite crystals to protect from radiation
- No matter what, do NOT get a smart meter, these put high levels of 5G radiation right in your home.
- Connect your desktop computer to the internet via a wired Ethernet connection. Avoid wireless keyboards, trackballs, mice, game systems, printers and cordless DECT house phones. Have only the wired versions.
- Use Fiber Optics for your Home, Businesses and schools. They are safe, secure, and very fast.
- Hard wire your house to eliminate Wi-Fi altogether. If you have a notebook without any Ethernet ports, a USB Ethernet adapter will allow you to connect to the internet with a wired connection.
- Ditch the microwave oven, replace with a steam convection oven, it heats food quickly and safely.
- Refuse to buy anything ‘smart’ – ‘smart’ appliances, ‘smart’ heaters, etc.
- Avoid using 'smart' appliances and thermostats that depend on wireless signalling. This would include all new 'smart' TVs. They are called smart because they emit a Wi-Fi signal and, unlike your computer, you cannot shut the Wi-Fi signal off. Use a large computer monitor as your TV instead, as they don’t emit Wi-Fi.
- Move your baby’s bed into your room instead of using a wireless baby monitor. Alternatively, use a hard-wired monitor.
- Plant tall bushes outside your home. (5G doesn’t penetrate well)
- Use aluminum screens on your windows, it blocks the signals from coming in.
- Use RF shielding paint on your home, it’s expensive, and it has to be done properly, it has to be grounded, but it does block the signals that come through your home 24/7 damaging your health.
- Spread the word, share this with everyone you know.
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